HomeMock Test (India)Indian GK MCQ- 2 Indian GK MCQ- 2 Career Link 247 WhatsApp Group Join Now Telegram Group Join Now Indian GK MCQ---Best of luck 🤞--- 1.How many years is the term of office of the Vice President?5 year6 year7 year8 year2.Who was the last Mughal emperor?BaburAkbarNoorjahanBahadur Shah3.Where are the Bhutia found ?Arunachal PradeshSikkimManipurMeghalaya4.Who is the 10th Guru of Sikhs ?Guru HargobindGuru Tegh BahadurGuru Govind SinghGuru Arjundev5.Which Indian region was known as " Kala Pani " before independence?LakshadweepDiuAndaman-Nicobar IslandAliabet and Khadiyabet6.By whom was the famous poem " Geet Govind " written ?JaichandJayadevaJaysimhaJayant7.The Garo and Khasi tribes are mainly found in -ManipurMeghalayaMizoramChhotanagpur8.In which country the river Ganga meets the river Brahmaputra ?NepalChinaBangladeshMyanmar9.The world's nation 5G mobile network was launched by which country ?JapanAsiaSouth KoreaMalaysia10.when wan the national anthem adopted in its Hindi version ?24 Jan 195026 Jan 19502 Oct 194815 Aug 1947SubmitNextThis quiz has been created using the tool HTML Quiz Generator Newer Older
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